Charting Success

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    Good practice was developed while working with students as partners and agents of change

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    The format and framework of the structured CPD produced excellent resources to explore, interrogate and identify issues to support the production of targets and action plans to improve BAME attainment

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    Opportunities were created to hear BAME student voices, sharing their insights and experiences of university life, across all levels of the institution, either directly or via the production of student films

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    Improved staff buy-in and BAME student engagement with the Higher Education Institution 

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    Formation of partnerships beyond the original project collaborators, including with other UK and international Higher Education Institutions

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    BAME attainment gap featuring in business planning and aligned to external accountability drivers, including Access and Participation Plans, TEF, (S)TEF, NSS and Higher Education Institution strategies

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    Increased staff awareness of the BAME attainment gap and a commitment (at varying levels) to reduce it

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    Staff taking ownership of the BAME attainment gap by creating bespoke projects in their departments, including decolonising the curriculum 

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    The RAFA2 project influenced the agenda of the 2019 Queen Mary University of London Teaching and Learning Conference: ‘Achieving Inclusivity’. Read the post conference report here

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    Supporting the launch of a new student society (Universal Black Minds) as a safe space to discuss attainment gap issues. Winner: The Best New Society 2019, National NUS Awards