Outcomes: Roehampton and Carshalton

Impact section - staff CPD

Over the project’s life course, there have been some significant outcomes for the University of Roehampton and Carshalton College that have emerged for both students and staff, and which are ongoing.

Outcomes from Roehampton and Carshalton include:

Excellent resources

The format and framework of the structured CPD produced excellent resources which explore, interrogate and identify issues to support the production of targets and action plans to improve BAME attainment. They have resulted in improved staff buy-in and increased staff awareness of the attainment gap and commitment (at varying levels) to reducing the attainment gap.

Capturing the student voice

Students capturing the student voice, and using it to inform the production of workshop materials to support the development of student masterclasses and events, resulted in improved BAME student engagement with the HEI and with the key issues.

Inclusive planning

BAME attainment features in business planning and is aligned to external accountability drivers, such as the Access and Participation Plan, TEF, (S)TEF, NSS and the education strategy.

Staff ownership

Staff are increasingly taking ownership of the issue, creating bespoke projects in their departments to tackle BAME attainment in ways that address their particular needs, including staff making changes to the curriculum so it is more inclusive. This is enabled by using resources from BAME authors and/or from international perspectives. 

Department projects

Creation of department projects such as decolonising the curriculum, student lived experiences, elearning and staff and student co-created approaches and materials which were presented and their findings findings and practice shared.

Student films

The production of student films, which are used in staff CPD sessions, including the QMUL ‘We are your students’ film which has been used to inform programme developments.

Staff confidence

There is a clearer understanding of what and how things can be done. Staff report that they feel more confident about creating inclusive classroomsand see the value of reviewing their learning, teaching and assessment strategies.

Let’s Talk About Race

Targeted staff and student events about race, such as the Black Leaders Conference, Let’s Talk About Race eventsinvolved external speakers and student presenters. BAME students said they felt more confident about having spaces to talk about race and that they will be listened to.

Inclusive design

The work of the RAFA2 project has had a significant influence on the design and focus of the Roehampton Teaching and Learning Conference (April 2019). Over one-third of the presentations reported on RAFA2 activities, with students and staff disseminating the findings and shared good practice. 

Shared platforms

RAFA2 student project mangers have presented at various conferences and and shared platforms with academics and members of the RFA2 team.

BAME student society

A new BAME student society Universal Black Minds (UBM at Roehampton) has been created. This forum provides safe space to discuss BAME issues, contribute ideas and possible solutions to the attainment gap (student perspective) and celebrate blackness in HE. In their first year of existence, UBM won the best new society award at the 2019 national NUS awards.  

Assessment influence

RAFA2 has influences the assessment framework informed improvements in assessment literacy and assessment for learning.